Student Leadership Conference- August 26-28, 2016

Runnymede Society Student Leadership Conference: August 26th-28th, 2016

A group of talented law students from across Canada gathered at Blue Mountain Resort in Collingwood, Ontario this past weekend for a thought-provoking and enjoyable weekend of training, debating, reading, hiking, and socializing. Highlights included:

  • Discussing religious freedom, pluralism, and accommodation with Justice Peter Lauwers of the Court of Appeal for Ontario;
  • Considering analytical approaches to Canadian legal doctrine, including textualism and originalism, as well as the relationship between Parliament and judiciary with Howard Anglin,
  • Assessing constitutional constraints on s. 7 jurisprudence with Asher Honickman; and
  • Reading Friedrich Hayek’s ideas on the rule of law under the classical liberal vision with Professor Malcolm Lavoie

Students in attendance represented ten different law faculties from across Canada and will be launching active chapters of the Runnymede Society nationwide this autumn. Stay tuned for their updates and events!

The Runnymede Society is a project of the Canadian Constitution Foundation (Reg. #86617 6654 RR0001).

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