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Thursday, September 19:The Extreme Intoxication Defence, Sarah Burningham (USask), Mark Mancini (Runnymede Society)

  • University of Saskatchewan School of Law, 11:30AM-1pm (Room 30)

Tuesday, September 24: Do the Words Matter? L'honorable David Stratas (Federal Court of Appeal), Mark Mancini (Runnymede Society).

  • University of Manitoba, 4-5:30PM (Moot B)

Wednesday, September 25: Examining the Supreme Court Appointment Process, Professor Peter Russell (Toronto), Professor John Whyte (Regina), Professor Jamie Cameron (Osgoode)

  • Osgoode Hall Law School, 12:30-1:30pm (IKB 1002)

Thursday, September 26: The 75th Anniversary of the Road to Serfdom, Professor Leonid Sirota (AUT)

  • University of Victoria Faculty of Law, 4:00pm (FRA 142)

Wednesday, October 2: An Election Is No Time to Discuss Serious Issues. Really?, Professor Leonid Sirota (AUT)

  • University of Toronto Faculty of Law, 6:00pm (J130)

Monday, October 7: Bill 21 and Religious Freedom, Professor Howie Kislowicz (Calgary) and Catherine McKenzie (IMK)

  • University of Calgary Faculty of Law, Noon-1:30pm

Tuesday, October 8: Interrogating the Living Tree, Justice David Stratas (Federal Court of Appeal) and Justice Marc Nadon (Federal Court of Appeal)

  • University of Ottawa, Tabaret Hall, Room 319, 4-5:30pm

Thursday, October 10: Pipelines and the Canadian Constitution, Kerri Froc (UNB) and Jim Emberger (Conservation Council of New Brunswick)

  • University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Law, Room 2B, 11:30-12:30pm

Wednesday, October 16: Talk to My Retired Justice: A Panel Discussion on Post-Judicial Legal Practice, Amy Salzyn (Ottawa), Eric Adams (Alberta

  • University of Alberta Faculty of Law, 12:00-1:00pm, (LC 231/237)

Wednesday, October 16: A Discussion on Administrative Law, Paul Daly (Ottawa), Leonid Sirota (AUT)

  • McGll University, Faculty of Law (101 New Chancellor Day Hall, Room 101)

Wednesday, October 23: Freedom of Speech and the Digital Charter, Dr. Lydia Miljan (Windsor), Dr. Sinan Yasarlar (Windsor), Lindsay Shepherd

Monday, November 4: Panel on Bill 21, Me Julie Latour, Prof Maxime St-Hilaire, Prof Daniel Turp

  • McGill University Faculty of Law, 1:00pm-2:30 pm (Moot Court)

Thursday, November 7: The Statement of Principles, Adam Goldenberg (McCarthy’s), Dr. Ryan Alford (Lakehead)

  • Lakehead University Faculty of Law, 12:00 pm (Auditorium)

Thu. March 28, 2019: Pub Night, The Hon. Justice Marc Nadon (Federal Court of Appeal)

  • The Lieutenant’s Pump, 7:00pm-9:00pm (361 Elgin Street)

Tue. March 26, 2019: The Living Tree and the Interpretation of Rights, the Hon. Justice Marc Nadon (Federal Court of Appeal) and the Hon. Justice David Stratas (Federal Court of Appeal)

  • University of Toronto Faculty of Law, 6:00pm-7:30pm (Room J140)

Fri. March 22, 2019: Trinity Western University and Religious Pluralism, Prof. Victor Muñiz-Fraticelli (McGill) and Adam Goldenberg (McCarthy Tétrault LLP)

  • Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, 12pm-1pm

Mon. March 18, 2019: Bill C-46: Balancing Liberty and Safety, Lisa Jørgensen (Cooper Jørgensen) and Prof. Robert Solomon (Western University Faculty of Law)

  • Western University, 12:30pm-1:30pm (Room 202)

Wed. March 13, 2019: The Role of Judges in Canada, The Hon. Caroline Mulroney (Attorney General of Ontario and Minister for Francophone Affairs)

  • Queen’s University Faculty of Law, 5:00-6:00pm (Room 001)

Fri. March 8, 2019: Balancing Religious Freedom with Equality after Trinity Western University, Albertos Polizogopoulos (intervener at Supreme Court of Canada) and Professors Jason MacLean, Ken Norman, and Dwight Newman (University of Saskatchewan College of Law)

  • University of Saskatchewan College of Law, 1:00-3:00pm (Room 150)

Thu. March 7, 2019: Pipelines and Indigenous Consultation, Professor Malcolm Lavoie (University of Alberta Faculty of Law) and Gregory McDade Q.C. (Managing Partner, Ratcliff & Company LLP)

  • Peter A. Allard School of Law, 12:30pm-1:30pm (Room 104)

Tue. March 5, 2019: Debating Canada Summer Jobs, Prof. Sukanya Pillay (University of Windsor, Law), Albertos Polizogopoulos (Vincent Dagenais Gibson LLP/s.r.l.), and Prof. Richard Moon (Windsor, Law)

  • University of Windsor Faculty of Law, 5:00pm-7:00pm (Room G101)

Wed. February 27, 2019: L’honorable juge Suzanne Côté (Cour suprême du Canada) / The Honourable Justice Suzanne Côté (Supreme Court of Canada)

  • McGill University Faculty of Law, 1:00pm-2:30pm (NCDH 100)

Independence and Collegiality: How Do They Co-Exist at the Supreme Court of Canada?

How does the Supreme Court of Canada reconcile the judicial independence of its individual members with the collegial nature of the institution? The Honourable Justice Suzanne Côté shares her thoughts on the decision-making process of the Court.

Indépendance et collégialité à la Cour suprême du Canada : Comment les conjuguer ?

Comment la Cour suprême du Canada concilie-t-elle l’indépendance judiciaire de ses membres et la nature collégiale de l’institution? L’honorable juge Suzanne Côté partage ses vues sur le processus décisionnel de la Cour.

Wed. February 13, 2019: Understanding Windsor’s Freedom of Speech Policy, Prof. Richard Moon (University of Windsor, Law) and Prof. Lydia Miljan (University of Windsor, Political Science)

  • University of Windsor Faculty of Law, 12:00pm-1:00pm (Room G102)

Tue. February 12, 2019: Runnymede Society Edmonton Lawyers’ Chapter Launch, Prof. Moin Yahya (University of Alberta Faculty of Law) and Joanna Baron (National Director, Runnymede Society)

  • Alberta Counsel (800-9707 110 St, Edmonton) 7:00pm-9:00pm

Mon. February 11, 2019: Stare Decisis and the Administrative State, The Honourable Justice David Stratas (Federal Court of Appeal)

  • University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, 5:00pm-6:30pm (Room FTX 137)

Thu. February 7, 2019: A Duty to Consult? Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Honour of the Crown, Prof. Dwight Newman (University of Saskatchewan), Prof. Jula Hughes (University of New Brunswick), and Prof. Nicole O’Byrne (University of New Brunswick)

  • University of New Brunswick Faculty of Law, 11:30am-12:30pm (Room 2)

Wed. February 6, 2019: The Honour of the Crown, the Duty to Consult, and Mikisew Cree, Prof. Dwight Newman (University of Saskatchewan) and Prof. Naiomi Mettalic (Schulich School of Law)

  • Schulich School of Law, 12pm-1pm (Room 305)

Tue. January 29, 2019: Le paradoxe de la prétendue “règle du texte clair” / The paradox of the “bright-line rule”, L’honorable M. le juge Sébastien Grammond (la Cour fédérale du Canada)

  • McGill Faculty Club, 5:30pm-7:30pm

Thu. January 24, 2019: Canada Summer Jobs, Religious Pluralism, and the Constitutuon, Garnett Genuis (Member of Parliament, Sherwood Park – Fort Saskatchewan) and Adam Goldenberg (McCarthy Tétrault LLP)

  • University of Alberta Faculty of Law, 1pm-2pm (LC 201)

Tue. January 22, 2019: Good Judgment: Making Judicial Decisions, The Hon. Justice Robert Sharpe (Court of Appeal for Ontario) and The Hon. Justice Peter Lauwers (Court of Appeal for Ontario)

  • Osgoode Hall Law School, 12:30pm-1:45pm (IKB 2001)

Mon. November 26, 2018: Dialogue and the Commonwealth Bills of Rights, Geoffrey Sigalet (Queen’s University) and Leonid Sirota (Auckland University of Technology Law School)

  • Queen’s University Faculty of Law, 1:00-2:30pm (Sir John A. Macdonald Hall, Room 300)

Wed. November 21, 2018: Debating the Notwithstanding ClauseGeoffrey Sigalet (Queen’s University), and Leonid Sirota (Auckland University of Technology Law School)

  • McGill University Faculty of Law, 1:00pm-2:30pm (New Chancellor Day Hall, Room 101)

Tue. November 13, 2018: La disposition de dérogation:conciliation entre droits fondamentaux et volonté populaire, Anthony Housefather (Député de Mont-Royal) et Geoffrey Sigalet (Queen’s University)

  • Faculté de droit de l’Université de Montréal, 11:30am-1pm (B-3260)

Mon. November 12, 2018: Universities v. Freedom? The Frontiers of Political Correctness, Howard Levitt (Levitt LLP, counsel for Jordan Peterson and Lindsay Shepherd) and Matt Bufton (Executive Director, Institute for Liberal Studies)

  • University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, 4:30pm-6:00pm (Room BRS 232)

Fri. November 9, 2018: Canada’s Constitution, Notwithstanding, Professor Leonid Sirota (Auckland University of Technology Law School)

  • University of Calgary Faculty of Law, 12:00pm-1:30pm (Room MFH 3320)

Tue. October 23, 2018: Table ronde sur l’appropriation culturelle, Safie Diallo (diplômée de l’Université d’Ottawa, cofondatrice du Collectif droit et diversité), Pre. Konstantia Koutouki (Université de Montréal, spécialisée notamment en droit autochtone et en propriété intellectuelle), Alexandra Lorange (diplômée de l’UQÀM, membre de la nation Atikamekw), et Pr. Maxime St-Hilaire (Université de Sherbrooke)

  • Faculté de droit de l’Université McGill, 5:30pm-7:30pm (NCDH 100)

Thu. October 18, 2018: Trinity Western University v. Law Society of Upper Canada, Professor Bruce Pardy (Queen’s University), Derek Ross (Christian Legal Fellowship), and Lee Akazaki (Gilbertson Davis LLP)

  • Western University Faculty of Law, 12:30pm-2pm (Room 51)

Fri. October 12, 2018: Has the ‘Social Justice Revolution’ Taken Law Schools?  Professor Bruce Pardy (Queen’s University)

  • University of Windsor Faculty of Law, 12:00pm (Room G101)
  • Video: click here

Tue. October 9, 2018: Ford Nation, Notwithstanding … Panel Event on Bill 5, S.33 and the Charter, Rocco Achampong (Applicant in Toronto v Ontario), Christine Van Geyn (Canadian Taxpayers Federation), Clifton Mark (University of Toronto Centre for Ethics), and Asher Honickman (Advocates for the Rule of Law)

  • University of Toronto Faculty of Law, 12:30pm-2pm (Room J125, Jackman Law Building)

Thu. October 4, 2018: Electoral Reform Debate: Should BC Adopt Proportional Representation, The Hon. Suzanne Anton, QC (Director, No BC Proportional Representation) and Seth Klein (BC Director, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)

  • UBC Allard Hall School of Law, 12pm-1pm (Room 106)
  • Video: click here

Tue. October 2, 2018: Runnymede Society Pub Night (University of Toronto), Adam Goldenberg (McCarthy Tétrault LLP)

  • The Bedford Academy (36 Prince Arthur Ave, Toronto), 6:30pm-9:30pm

Thu. September 27, 2018: Charter Values, Doré, and Trinity Western University, The Hon. Justice Peter Lauwers (Ontario Court of Appeal)

  • McGill University Faculty of Law, 1pm-2:30pm (New Chancellor Day Hall, Room 101)
  • Video: click here

Mon. September 24, 2018: Political Correctness and Free Speech, Lindsay Shepherd (Wilfrid Laurier University) and Professor Bruce Pardy (Queen’s University)

  • Queen’s University Faculty of Law, 5:30pm-7pm (Sir John A. Macdonald Hall, Room 202)

Fri. September 21, 2018: Due Process in the #MeToo Era, Jonathan Kay (Senior Editor, Quillette Magazine) and Professor Jennifer Koshan (University of Calgary)

  • University of Alberta Faculty of Law, 12pm-1pm (Room LC 237)

Mon. September 17, 2018: La crise des délais en matière criminelle: analyse du projet de loi C-75, Me Christine Mainville (Henein Hutchison LLP)

  • Faculté de droit de l’Université de Montréal, 11:30am-1pm (Salle B-4220, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx)

Wed. September 12, 2018: Dirty Word or Dirty Little Secret: Originalism in Canada, Professor Leonid Sirota (Auckland University of Technology Law School)

  • University of Alberta Faculty of Law, 12pm-1pm (Room LC 190)

Mon. September 10, 2018: Freedom of Conscience: The Supremacy of That Which is Highest and Best in Man, Professor Leonid Sirota (Auckland University of Technology Law School)

  • University of Saskatchewan College of Law, 12pm-1pm (Room 150)

August 23, 2018: Montréal Lawyers’ Chapter: La crise des délais en matière criminelle: analyse du projet de loi C-75, avec Me Christine Mainville (Henein Hutchison LLP): https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/societe-runnymede-section-des-avocats-reunion-inaugurale-montrealaise-tickets-48005678276

June 26, 2018: Edmonton Lawyers’ Chapter: After Comeau, with Professor Malcolm Lavoie (University of Alberta Faculty of Law) and Howard Anglin (Executive Director, Canadian Constitution Foundation): https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/after-comeau-june-26th-edmonton-lawyers-chapter-event-tickets-46335436538.

June 20, 2018: Calgary Lawyers’ Chapter: Trans Mountain Trouble: The Trans Mountain pipeline saga, with Professor Nigel Bankes (University of Calgary Faculty of Law) and Professor James Coleman (Southern Methodist University Faculty of Law): https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/transmountain-trouble-the-transmountain-pipeline-saga-tickets-46623713783?aff=erelpanelorg. This event is sponsored by Miller Thomson LLP.

April 9, 2018: Toronto Lawyers’ Chapter: The Rule of Law in the Age of Trump, with David Frum (Senior Editor at The Atlantic): https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/david-frum-the-rule-of-law-in-the-age-of-trump-tickets-44048125128


April 4, 2018: Université de Montréal: Répartition de compétences et règlementation du cannabis: un débat, avec Olga Redko (IMK LLP) et le professeur Jean Leclair (Université de Montréal).


March 29, 2018: Queen’s University: The Canadian Monarchy: A Debate, with Robert Finch (Chairman of the Monarchist League of Canada) and Ashok Charles (executive director of RepublicNow).

March 27, 2018: University of Saskatchewan: Invoking s. 33: Democracy or Disaster? A Debate on Charter Rights and the Notwithstanding Clause, with Professor Jason MacLean (UofS), Dr. Geoffrey Sigalet (Stanford) and Professor Dwight Newman (UofS).

March 12, 2018: Schulich School of Law: Feminist Originalism: A Contradiction in Terms?, with Professor Kerri Froc (UNB Law).

March 6, 2018: University of British Columbia: Is Net Neutrality A Threat to Innovation?, with Ian A. Bell (Internet entrepreneur and digital rights advocate) and Thomas Struble (Counsel, R Street Institute).

February 28, 2018: University of Ottawa: Free Speech, Equality and the Limits of Law: A Debate on the Statement of Principles, with Sadie Etemad (Managing Lawyer, S.E.T. Law) and Susan Richer (Bencher, Law Society of Ontario).


February 27, 2018: University of Windsor: A Physician’s Conscience: Objections to Effective Referral, with Albertos Polizogopoulos (Vincent Dagenais Gibson), Joanna Baron (Runnymede Society) and Joe Comartin (former NDP M.P.). 


February 12, 2018: Université de Montréal: Le rôle d’un juge dans un État de droit constitutionnel: débat, with Professor Maxime St-Hilaire (Université de Sherbrooke) and Julius Grey (Grey, Casgrain). Cet évènement est co-organisé avec le Comité Droit Constitutionnel de la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Montréal.


February 12, 2018: McGill University: The Theory and Practice of Safe Spaces, with Professor Victor Muniz-Fraticelli (McGill Law), Dr. Dolores Chew (Marianopolis College), Michael Kennedy (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms) and Professor Nandini Ramanujam (McGill Law). This event is co-hosted with the Women of Colour Collective at McGill’s Faculty of Law.


February 12, 2018: Dalhousie University’s Schulich School of Law: Challenging the Law Society of Ontario’s Statement of Principles, a town-hall with Professor Bruce Pardy (Queen’s Law). This event is co-hosted with the Institute for Liberal Studies.

February 7, 2018: University of Ottawa: Pub Night at the Lieutenant’s Pump, with The Hon. Marc Nadon (Federal Court of Appeal).

January 29, 2018: Queen’s University: The Right to Die and Conscience Rights, with Ricardo Smalling (Queen’s U) and Albertos Polizogopoulos (Vincent Dagenais Gibson).


January 18, 2018: University of Alberta: On Pseudolaw, with Donald Netolitzky, Executive Counsel to Associate Chief Justice Rooke of the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench.

January 17, 2018: McGill University: On the Decline of Legal Doctrine, with The Hon. David Stratas (Federal Court of Appeal) and The Hon. Marc Nadon (Federal Court of Appeal).

January 12-13, 2018: Runnymede Society Law & Freedom Conference (Hart House): https://www.universe.com/events/2018-law-freedom-conference-tickets-toronto-9RT7NH

January 10, 2018: McGill University: Policing ThoughtThe Law(less) Society of Upper Canada, with Professor Leonid Sirota (AUT Law, New Zealand).

November 13, 2017: McGill University: Freedom of Speech in Canada, a conversation with Julius Grey (Grey, Casgrain).


November 13, 2017: Université de Montréal: Bill 62 and Religious Liberty in Québec, with Anne-France Goldwater (Goldwater, Dubé).


November 10, 2017: Western University: Debate: Omar Khadr and Charter Damages, with Asher Honickman (Matthews Abogado LLP) and Rob De Luca (Canadian Civil Liberties Association).


October 31, 2017: University of British Columbia: Debate on Law Society of Upper Canada et al v. Trinity Western University, with Earl Phillips (Executive Director, TWU Law School) and Elin Sigurdson (Mandell Pinderson LLP).


October 26, 2017: University of Alberta: Diversity or Discrimination? The Trinity Western University Law School Debate, with Professor Eric Adams (University of Alberta, Faculty of Law) and Ranjan K. Agarwal (Counsel for TWU in Ontario; Partner at Bennett Jones).


October 25, 2017: Queen’s University: When Rights Collide: Freedom of Religion & Discrimination at Trinity Western University, with Dean William Flanagan (Queen’s Law), Professor Bruce Pardy (Queen’s Law) and André Schutten (Association for Reformed Political Action; intervenor in the Supreme Court case).


October 24, 2017: University of Calgary: Free Speech in the Digital Age: @CanadaCreep, Internet privacy and criminalization, with Brendan Miller (Walsh Law) and Professor Emily Laidlaw (University of Calgary).

October 19, 2017: University of Toronto: Liberal Pluralism and the Challenge of Religious Diversity, with The Hon. Peter Lauwers (Court of Appeal for Ontario).

October 11, 2017: McGill University: In Defence of the Presumption of Innocence, with Marie Henein (Henein Hutchison LLP).


September 27, 2017: Schulich School of Law: How American Judges Judge, with Judge Edith Jones (US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit).

September 26, 2017: University of Toronto: Bracken v. Fort Erie: Freedom of Expression in Canada, with The Hon. Bradley Miller (Court of Appeal for Ontario).

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