Law and Freedom 2021-Justice Malcolm Rowe

The Runnymede Society is pleased to announce that our 2021 Law and Freedom Conference will be held on March 12-13, 2021, at Hart House in Toronto, ON.

We are pleased to announce that Justice Malcolm Rowe of the Supreme Court of Canada will be our Saturday, March 13 keynote at the conference. The Runnymede Society is particularly honoured to host Justice Rowe at our 5th annual Law and Freedom Conference.

Each year, the Law and Freedom Conference gathers over 200 academics, lawyers, and law students to hear from the best and brightest in Canada’s legal community on pressing topics of importance. Past speakers have included Justice David Stratas (Federal Court of Appeal), Justice Peter Lauwers (Ontario Court of Appeal), and Justice Rothstein (formerly of the Supreme Court of Canada).

Federal Court of Appeal jurist David Stratas cautions against statutory interpretation that 'goes off the rails' - The Lawyer's Daily

La Runnymede Society est un projet de la Canadian Constitution Foundation (Reg. #86617 6654 RR0001).

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