Runnymede Society Spring Events

The Runnymede Society kicked off with a series of great events across the country this past month:

  • March 2nd: Queen’s: Debate on Social and Economic Rights with Profs. Bruce Pardy, Tsvi Kahana, and Chris Essert
  • March 17e: Calgary: Panel Discussion on Keystone XL with Profs. James Coleman, Jennifer Winter (Calgary School of Public Policy), Kenneth Green (Fraser Institute)
  • March 18e:  U of Alberta: Debate on Freedom of Association and the Right to Strike with Profs. Malcolm Lavoie, Eric Adams, Tom Flanagan
  • March 21st: U of Toronto: Debate on Market vs State Regulation with Profs Jason MacLean and Bruce Pardy
  • March 29e: Panel on Freedom of Conscience and the Citizenship Act with Leonid Sirota (JSD candidate, NYU School of Law) and Brian Bird (DCL candidate, McGill).

It was great to visit with these law faculties and to spend time with students and faculty. We’re very excited for the launch of our student chapters across the country. If you are interested in starting a student chapter, please contact Joanna Baron at

La Runnymede Society est un projet de la Canadian Constitution Foundation (Reg. #86617 6654 RR0001).

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