Un forum juridique pour la diversité intellectuelle

La Runnymede Society est un organisme composé de membres qui invite des orateurs de tous les horizons idéologiques à débattre d'idées juridiques liées à l'État de droit, au constitutionnalisme et à la liberté individuelle. L'objectif est de mettre l'accent sur ces principes bien établis dans le contexte de questions pratiques et d’actualité qui ne sont pas souvent explorées dans le contexte des salles de classe des facultés de droit.

Moon: Free Speech in the Digital Age

How can we remain committed to free speech while addressing misinformation and disinformation in our democracies? Has social media “aggravated the harm of speech and made legal responses less practical”? Professor Richard Moon of the University of Windsor dives into these important questions and more in his latest appearance on Runnymede Radio, building upon his latest book, The Life and Death of Freedom of Expression.

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Snow: Bill C-63 and a Limited Tribunal

How will Bill C-63, commonly known as the Online Harms Act, impact Canada’s Human Rights Commission and Tribunal? Professor Dave Snow of the University of Guelph, discusses how descriptive statistics can help us understand the significant changes that Bill C-63 is expected to bring.

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Mancini: Charter Values in Administrative Law

What is the force and scope of the Charter in administrative contexts? Professor Mark Mancini of Thompson Rivers University tackles this issue by taking a look at key cases that have marked significant shifts in the role that the Charter has played in administrative law.

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Lagassé and Sirota: Parliament after the Power Case

Will the Power v Canada decision significantly shift the way that parliamentary privilege operates in Canada? Professor Philippe Lagassé of Carleton University and Professor Leonid Sirota of the University of Reading discuss the controversial Power decision and its impacts on the relationship between Canada’s legislative and judicial branches.

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The Runnymede Society: Our past, present, and future

Let’s take a look at key moments in Runnymede history: its inception, core values, and plans for the future. Naomi Papavero, Operations and Communications Director of the Runnymede Society, sits down with Tim Haggstrom, Runnymede’s current National Director, and Joanna Baron, the founding National Director, to discuss how the Society has evolved over time.

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octobre 30, 2024 | 1:00 pm

Sovereign Immunity after Power v. Canada: A Debrief (McGill University)

McGill University (Room NCDH 312) |

Join the McGill Runnymede Society and Professor Stéphane Sérafin (University of Ottawa) for a discussion on this summer’s Power v. Canada decision and what it [...]

novembre 5, 2024 | 12:30 pm

Law and Religion (University of Calgary)

University of Calgary (Room 3370) |

In this presentation, Professor Dwight Newman of the University of Saskatchewan (who has completed graduate studies in History of Christianity in addition to his prior [...]

novembre 6, 2024 | 12:30 pm

Unlocking the Power of Freedom of Information Law: Essential Tools for Future Lawyers (Dalhousie University)

In this lecture, Devin Drover, General Counsel for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, will introduce law students to the practical applications of Freedom of Information (FOI) [...]

novembre 13, 2024 | 12:00 pm

The Alberta Sovereignty Act: Its Origins, Development and Future (University of Alberta)

University of Alberta Faculty of Law (Room LC 231) |

Jesse Hartery and Geoffrey Sigalet will discuss the debates surrounding the Alberta Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act: the origins of the proposal in the [...]

novembre 15, 2024 | 12:00 pm

Politique 713: Et alors, maintenant?

Adrien J. Cormier Université de Moncton (Salle 136) |

Politique 713: Et alors, maintenant? La question des droits parentaux garantis par la Constitution et par le législateur est devenue d’actualité lorsque le parti Conservateur [...]

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Mentorat académique

Nous visons à mettre en contact les étudiants de première année avec ceux des années supérieures qui peuvent leur fournir un mentorat et des conseils académiques, ainsi que des syllabus de cours.

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