A Legal Forum for Intellectual Diversity

The Runnymede Society is a membership-based organization that invites speakers from all across the ideological spectrum to debate legal ideas that engage the rule of law, constitutionalism, and individual liberty. The goal is to focus on these age-old principles in the context of real issues that are not often explored in the law school classrooms.

Law & Freedom 2024: Administrative Law and Charter Values

Dans cet épisode bis de la conférence nationale Law & Freedom 2024 de Runnymede, Moira Lavoie de Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP anime une table ronde sur l'état du droit administratif au Canada, avec le juge David Stratas de la Cour d'appel fédérale, Jennifer Bernardo et Mark Mancini. Cet épisode a été accrédité pour 20 minutes de professionnalisme EDI par le Barreau de l'Ontario. Cet épisode est en anglais.

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Law & Freedom 2024: Reputation and Free Expression in Defamation Law

In this encore episode from Runnymede’s Law & Freedom 2024 national conference, National Director Kristopher Kinsinger moderates a panel discussion on reputation and free expression in the practice of defamation law, featuring Adam Goldenberg, Asher Honickman, and Lorne Honickman. This episode has been accredited for 20 EDI professionalism minutes with the Law Society of Ontario.    

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Announcing the new National Director of the Runnymede Society

(La version française suit) CALGARY: The Runnymede Society is delighted to announce that Tim Haggstrom has been appointed as its new National Director. Prior to joining as National Director, Tim completed a clerkship with the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan.  He holds a J.D. from the University of Saskatchewan, a B.Math from the University of Waterloo, and a B.B.A. from Wilfrid Laurier University.  Before his clerkship in Saskatchewan, Tim completed a term of articles with a national law firm in

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Law & Freedom 2024: Emerging Trends in Federalism

In this encore episode from Runnymede’s Law & Freedom 2024 national conference, Aaron Wudrick of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute moderates a panel discussion on emerging issues in the Canadian law of federalism with Brett Carlson, Patricia Paradis, Derek Ross, and Professor Mary Shariff.

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Enrichissement intellectuel

Nous offrons un soutien financier afin d’organiser débats, colloques et tables rondes avec conférenciers externes et rafraîchissements. Nous sommes en mesure d'aider à contacter les conférenciers et de couvrir leurs frais de déplacement.

Vie sociale

We host regular networking events with local members of the legal profession, academics, journalists, and other students.

Mentorat académique

Nous visons à mettre en contact les étudiants de première année avec ceux des années supérieures qui peuvent leur fournir un mentorat et des conseils académiques, ainsi que des syllabus de cours.

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